The next TAO meeting is July 13 at 3:00 at Touchstone.
It is a required meeting for our 128 Tour Members to pick up their panels and see the how the display units are going to look and work. It is also the deadline for Sponsors to be listed in our 32 page tour catalogue we have six levels of sponsorship: Sky-$1,000or more (placement on back cover, logo, link on TAO website) Summit-$500, (logo link on TAO website) Mountain-$250 (link on TAO website) Foothills-$150 (Name, name,address, phone number, email address) Mesa-$100 (name, address, phone number River-$50 ( name, address). Sponsor's dollars not only generate their listing in the catalogue and website, but actually will be spent on further advertising to promote the tour and thus further promote the sponsoring business....two forms of advertising for the cost of one!
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